Looming Energy Crisis

4 mentions.

1973 - 2006

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1973 to 2005

three mentions

over 32 years

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Sir Eric Drake stated this week - and I quote from Press reports in order not to breach the confidentiality of a meeting that I attended - that he had warned the Government of the Looming Energy Crisis months before the Middle East war.

Incidentally, Ministers always seem blissfully unaware of the Looming Energy Crisis facing this country and the measures needed to deal with it, but I realise that that is for another debate and not for today.

In response to the Looming Energy Crisis in Scotland, the Scottish Executive suggested that the focus for renewables should be 40 per cent.


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Clearly, such a meeting would not commit him to that blueprint, but the dialogue would contribute towards our shared goal of addressing the Looming Energy Crisis safely and effectively.

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